About the Artist

At the age of eleven, I began illustrating my father's articles and columns for newspapers in Washington and Idaho. This took the form of political cartoons during my high school years. Thereafter, I moved to Seattle to study fine art at Cornish College of the Arts. I later transferred to the Art Institute of Seattle, where I completed an associate degree in Visual Communications. This course of study included advertising and graphic design, as well as illustration. I worked briefly as an assistant art director at the Seattle Weekly, then settled into full time illustration.
My illustrations and cartoons have been published in Australia, Europe and Asia, as well as throughout North America. In addition, I have drawn hundreds of storyboards for the advertising industry, thousands of caricatures at events and fairs, painted murals and portraits, and licensed art for merchandise. I've worked in a variety of artistic styles in both traditional media and digital, ranging from classical realism in oils to ink (with a brush), coloring them in Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
In 2004, a groom found me in the phone book, and asked me to paint live at his wedding. He said he had called 75 people looking for someone in Seattle who would attempt this service. An art professor at the University of Washington told him nobody could paint that fast.
I have since painted weddings across the United States, from all the states of the West Coast to the Hamptons in New York, and in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
In 2015 I was inspired by the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris to return to my high school aspiration to do political cartoons. I drew a weekly feature for Real Change News in Seattle, from 2015 until 2021.
And through all these years, I have painted art and portraiture, which I have mostly sold without a gallery, and even briefly tried running one of my own in Seattle's Pioneer square.
Illustration Clients:
Advertising---- Comp & StoryBoard ----Corporate & Institutional
Magazines & Publishing---- Books
Stock Agencies
Dr. Stock -----Stock Illustration Source
Advertising Agencies & Design Firms
* Borders, Perrin, & Norrander
* Bozell Advertising
* Carter & Conwell
* Cole & Weber
* Copacino
* Double Entendre
* Elgin Syferd/DDBNeedham
* EMB Partners
* Evan Wright Graphic Design
* Evans Group
* Fifty + One
* Flynn, Sabatino & Day
* Garrigan Lyman Group
* Gehl Design
* Griffes Advertising
* Hal Riney & Partners
* Hammerquist & Halverson
* The Kellett Group
* Kirchoff/Wohlberg
* Key Bank of Washington
* Komo Radio
* Livingston & Co
* Lois/EJL
* Mathaeus•Halverson
* McCann-Erickson
* the.NAK.group
* Saatchi & Saatchi
* THINK New Ideas
* Tim Girvin Design, Inc.
* Tinker Productions
* Team Design
* Wendt Advertising
* Wong Doody
* Young & Rubicam
Comp & Storyboard Clients
* Activision
* Alaska Airlines
* American Family Publishers
* American Savings Bank
* Barclay Dean Interiors
* Bay Area Mercedes-Benz Dealers
* Boeing
* Boston Market
* Boxlight Corporation
* Cabbage Patch Kids
* Carl’s Jr.
* The Coca Cola Company
* Darigold
* Drugstore.com
* DuPont
* Emerald Downs
* Family Channel
* Freschetta
* Future Shop
* FX Television
* Group Health Cooperative
* Haggen Foods
* Homegrocer.com
* Humongous Entertainment
* Kentucky Fried Chicken
* Kinko's
* Key Bank
* Krusteaz
* Museum of Flight
* Nalley’s
* Nescafe
* Nintendo of America
* North Face
* Northwest Ford Dealers
* Ore-Ida
* The Oregonian
* Ortho
* Partnership For a Drug Free America
* Premera
* Seattle Art Museum
* Seattle Mariners
* TheSeattleTimes.com
* Silicon Graphics
* Sprint PCS
* Starbuck's
* Top Food & Drug
* Washington Apple Commission
* Washington Mutual Savings Bank
* Washington State Lottery
Corporate & Institutional
* Accounting Net
* Albertsons.com
* Applikon
* Association of Brewers
* AT&T Military
* Attachmate
* Battelle
* Bob Hope Memorial
* Boeing Employee's Credit Union
* Bogle & Gates
* The Bon Marche
* Chase Bank
* Children's Hospital
* Cingular Wireless
* City of Tacoma
* Continental Savings
* Coopers & Lybrand
* Crazy Shirts
* Crowne Plaza
* Decagon Devices
* Garden Botanica
* Harveys Wetsuits
* Homestreet Bank
* Hope Heart Institute
* Hewlett-Packard
* KCPQ Television
* KING Television
* KJR Sports Radio* KOMO Television
* Kraft General Foods
* KXRX Radio
* Laird Norton Trust
* Mazda
* Merrill Gardens
* Microsoft
* Nintendo
* Nordstrom
* Norwest Banks
* Ostex
* Pacific Science Center
* Pagliacci Pizza
* Pike Place Market Foundation
* Stax Entertainment
* The Paper Company
* Price Waterhouse
* Siemens
* Sma@rt Partner
* Smith & Ardussi, Inc.
* Sunrise Communications
* Sunstone
* USWest/Mountain Bell
* Wizards of the Coast
* Yobonic YoYo/MGM Global
Magazines & Publishing
* Adventure Media, Inc
* Alpen Books
* Baltimore Jewish Times
* Benchmark Education
* Chesapeake Bay Magazine
* Connecticut Magazine
* Crain's New York Business
* Delaware Lawyer Magazine
* Delaware Today Magazine
* Harcourt Brace & Company
* Hartford Courant
* Holt Rineheart Winston
* Journey Magazine-AAA Washington
* Kiwanis Magazine
* Mungo Park (A Microsoft Webzine)
* Northwest Parent Publishing
* Northwest Health
* Northwest View Magazine for Group Health Cooperative
* Oxford University Press* Palm Beach Life
* Parents of Teenagers Magazine
* Pauline Books & Magazine
* Pennsylvania Gazette
* Popular Mechanics
* Popular Woodworking
* Prima Publishing
* Reader's Digest
* Sasquatch Publishing
* Scholastic
* Schools Magazine
* Seattle Magazine
* Seattle Weekly
* Standard Publishing
* Style Magazine
* Women Magazine
* Writers’ Digest Magazine
* Smartass Answers to Stupid Interview Questions by Barry Shamis
* 14+ Titles for Harcourt Brace (School Publishing)